Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Reach Out With Kundalini Yoga Meditation Techniques

One of many well known yoga meditation techniques is Kundalini yoga. One particular emphasis in this style of yoga kriyas and meditations is their focus on the arms. By using the arms to form certain angles there is an enhancement and re-focusing of the body's electromagnetic fields and a channeling of energy through various organs and glands. Here, Liz McCollum writes for online newsletter Spirit Voyage.com.

Reach Out With Kundalini Yoga Meditation Techniques

yoga meditation techniques
Kundalini yoga meditation techniques. Photo by Hemera Technologies c/o Photos.Com.
For one thing, Kundalini yogis often talk about “angles and triangles.” We can use our limbs as a sort of antenna to adjust our electromagnetic fields. Also, by holding our bodies in specific positions, we are exerting pressure on our glands and energetically affecting various organ systems. An added bonus, when we practice meditations with challenging arm positions, we have a fantastic opportunity to work with our minds. Even in short periods of time, say 3-5 minutes, the mind can come up with countless reasons why we should be doing something else. When we can learn to breathe through our anxiety and discomfort, the mind will become quiet and we strengthen our neutral minds.
For the rest of this article, go to spiritvoyage.com:
Kundalini yoga meditation techniques can teach us to overcome obstacles in our lives and to help and guide our mental and spiritual development. Have you tried Kundalini yoga yourself? Let us know by leaving a comment below and sharing your own experiences with us.

 For me, yoga is not just a workout - it's about working on yourself.
                                                                                                           --  Mary Glover

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