Saturday, July 14, 2012

Laughter Yoga Meditation Techniques

There are so many different yoga meditation techniques, but you might be surprised to learn that there's also such a thing as laughter yoga! I find that laughter yoga is a phenomenal way to practice and to really have a lot of fun! What's truly amazing is that laughter yoga benefits our health in many different ways. Since Norman Cousins' famous recovery from several very debilitating illnesses by watching Marx Brothers films for weeks on end, continued scientific research has demonstrated the health benefits of regular and robust laughter. Writer Barbara Grijalva for the online Tucson News Now describes the emerging phenomenon of laughter yoga and how it affects those who practice it.

Laughter Yoga Meditation Techniques

yoga meditation techniques
Laughter yoga meditation techniques. Photo by Sergey Furtaev c/o Photos.Com.
There are plenty of things that make us laugh, but some people think we can't wait for those magical moments. We have to make them ourselves.
Laughter Yoga does just that.
Watching a Laughter Yoga Club in action, you might think you would never do this, but wait until you hear what it might do for you.
Welcome to Laughter Yoga with Gita.
"Welcome, everybody. Thanks for coming," Gita Fendelman greets Laughter Yoga Club members.
She a former lawyer, former Hatha Yoga instructor, and...
"About 8 year ago, I got diagnosed with Parkinson's disease," Gita tells the group.
"And now I teach Laughter Yoga. Hahaha."
The club laughs.  Gita laughs in the face of Parkinson's disease.
Gita was searching for help for her condition.
Laughter Yoga was relatively new.
"The study that attracted me was one out of Stanford that said laughter stimulates the part of the brain that uses dopamine.  And because Parkinson's is characterized by low dopamine, I thought I'm going to use that for my medicine," Gita says. "It's a great pain reliever because it naturally lifts the body's endorphins."
"There's actually scientific studies nowadays that are proving that it strengthens the immune system, it's a cardiovascular workout. It's great if people are suffering from depression," says Gita.
Laughter yoga meditation techniques are very beneficial to our health and well being.

What do you think? have you tried it or know someone who has? Please share a comment and let us know what you think.

Yoga is about clearing away whatever is in us that prevents our living in the most full and whole way. With yoga, we become aware of how and where we are restricted -- in body, mind, and heart -- and how gradually to open and release these blockages. As these blockages are cleared, our energy is freed. We start to feel more harmonious, more at one with ourselves. Our lives begin to flow -- or we begin to flow more in our lives.                                                        --  Cybele Tomlinson

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