Saturday, June 23, 2012

Yoga Meditation Benefits Calm Beginners Hearts

There are many yoga meditation benefits that come to us from gradually developing a central point of calm within our hearts. One specific meditation, rightly named the Meditation for a Calm Heart, can help us to develop and maintain a calm and non-judgmental place within ourselves. This can be especially handy if we're going through some emotionally rough times, as more and more of us seem to be doing these days. Cate Baily writes about this specific meditation technique and describes exactly how to do it here at Spirit Voyage.Com.

Yoga Meditation Benefits Calm Beginners Hearts

yoga meditation benefits
Yoga meditation benefits our hearts.

If you’re experiencing stress or volatility in a relationship, the Meditation for a Calm Heart can be extremely helpful. With consistent practice, you can come into a neutral, non-reactive place and feel steady and graceful amidst the turbulence that our nearest and dearest can sometimes create. It’s a beautiful practice for beginners because it involves an easy mudra and a simple breath pattern, but it’s fully engaging for any level yogi. I highly recommend that you give it a try.
Read the original article here at
While there are many yoga meditation benefits available to the beginner practicing yoga and meditation together, some yoga and meditation techniques can prove most beneficial. With steady practice and dedication, these skills will reshape and strengthen our body, reform our way of thinking and how we see the world, and gently touch our spirit.

Have you recently begun yoga meditation? Even if you've been at it awhile, what experiences have you had doing it? Let's start a discussion going. Please leave me a comment below.

Yoga is a way to freedom. By its constant practice, we can free ourselves from fear, anguish and loneliness.                                                                                                  --  Indra Devi

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Yoga Meditation Moves Outside

It seems there's been a relocation as yoga meditation moves to the great outdoors. Not just for the fresh air or the view, mind you, but there's something more to doing yoga and meditation outside. A local instructor in Fort Wayne, Indiana has practiced yoga and meditation in many different locales, but even the most mundane outdoor venue she finds much more interesting than the predictability of an indoor studio. Writer Cathie Rowand at the The Journal Gazette describes what it seems to be all about.

Yoga Meditation Moves Outside

“Practicing yoga in a studio can be great most of the time,” local yoga instructor Lanah Hake says. “But, for me, I’ve done yoga in so many beautiful places outdoors – on the beach, near the mountains. There is such a different element to doing yoga outdoors. It really connects you to the Earth. There is nothing like it.”

Yoga meditation benefits are enhanced if done outdoors.
Two years ago, Hake, who received her yoga certification through the national Yoga Alliance in 2011, began offering outdoor yoga once a week at a park two blocks from her house. This summer, her classes have expanded to include four classes a week in three picturesque locations around the city – Lakeside Park Rose Gardens, Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory and Salomon Farm Park.

“I didn’t expect to continue offering this,” Hake says. “But people really respond well to it. It’s grown, and I’m growing with it.”
You can read the original article in its entirety here at
One of the most interesting aspects to yoga meditation done outdoors is the level of unpredictability that it introduces into the experience. It's easy to tune out stray but familiar noises in a studio, but what about all those sounds that you might get outside. Keeps things interesting.

Let me know what you think and leave a comment below.

You are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the stars guides you too.
                                                                                         --  Shrii Shrii Anandamurti